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The documentation described on this page may be obsolete and contain references to unsupported and deprecated software. Please reach out to your HPE representative if you think you need any of the components referenced within.


The HPE 3PAR and Primera Volume Plug-in for Docker leverages Ansible to deploy the 3PAR/Primera driver for Kubernetes in order to provide scalable and persistent storage for stateful applications.


Using HPE 3PAR/Primera Storage with Kubernetes 1.15 and newer, please use the HPE CSI Driver for Kubernetes.

Source code is available in the hpe-storage/python-hpedockerplugin GitHub repo.

Refer to the SPOCK page for the latest support matrix for HPE 3PAR and HPE Primera Volume Plug-in for Docker.

Platform requirements

The HPE 3PAR/Primera FlexVolume driver supports multiple backends that are based on a "container provider" architecture.

HPE 3PAR/Primera Storage Platform Requirements

Ensure that you have reviewed the System Requirements.

Driver HPE 3PAR/Primera OS Version Release Notes
v3.3.1 3PAR OS: 3.3.1 MU5+
Primera OS: 4.0+
  • OpenShift Container Platform 3.9, 3.10 and 3.11.
  • Kubernetes 1.10 and above.
  • Redhat/CentOS 7.5+

Note: Refer to SPOCK page for the latest support matrix for HPE 3PAR and HPE Primera Volume Plug-in for Docker.

Deploying to Kubernetes

The recommended way to deploy and manage the HPE 3PAR and Primera Volume Plug-in for Kubernetes is to use Ansible.

Use the following steps to configure Ansible to perform the installation.

Step 1: Install Ansible

Ensure that Ansible (v2.5 to v2.8) is installed. For more information, see Ansible Installation Guide.

NOTE: Ansible only needs to be installed on the machine that will be performing the deployment. Ansible does not need to be installed on your Kubernetes cluster.

$ pip install ansible
$ ansible --version
ansible 2.7.12

Ansible: Connecting to remote nodes

Ansible communicates with remote machines over the SSH protocol. By default, Ansible uses native OpenSSH and connects to remote machines using your current user name, just as SSH does.

Ansible: Check your SSH connections

Confirm that you can connect using SSH to all the nodes in your Kubernetes cluster using the same username. If necessary, add your public SSH key to the authorized_keys file on those systems.

Step 2: Clone the Github repository

$ cd ~
$ git clone https://github.com/hpe-storage/python-hpedockerplugin

Step 3: Modify the Ansible hosts file

Modify the hosts file to define the Kubernetes/OpenShift Master and Worker nodes. Also define where the HPE etcd cluster will be deployed, this can be done within the cluster or on external servers.

$ vi python-hpedockerplugin/ansible_3par_docker_plugin/hosts



Step 4: Create the properties file

Create the properties/plugin_configuration_properties.yml based on your HPE 3PAR/Primera Storage array configuration.

$ vi python-hpedockerplugin/ansible_3par_docker_plugin/properties/plugin_configuration_properties.yml

NOTE: Some of the properties are mandatory and must be specified in the properties file while others are optional.

#Mandatory Parameters--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # Specify the port to be used by HPE 3PAR plugin etcd cluster
    host_etcd_port_number: 23790
    # Plugin Driver - iSCSI
    hpedockerplugin_driver: hpedockerplugin.hpe.hpe_3par_iscsi.HPE3PARISCSIDriver
    hpe3par_ip: <3par_array_IP>
    hpe3par_username: <3par_user>
    hpe3par_password: <3par_password>
    #Specify the 3PAR port - 8080 default
    hpe3par_port: 8080
    hpe3par_cpg: <cpg_name>

    # Plugin version - Required only in DEFAULT backend
    volume_plugin: hpestorage/legacyvolumeplugin:3.3.1
    # Dory installer version - Required for Openshift/Kubernetes setup
    # Supported versions are dory_installer_v31, dory_installer_v32
    dory_installer_version: dory_installer_v32

#Optional Parameters--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    logging: DEBUG
    hpe3par_snapcpg: FC_r6
    #hpe3par_iscsi_chap_enabled: True
    use_multipath: True
    #enforce_multipath: False
    #vlan_tag: True

Available Properties Parameters

Property Mandatory Default Value Description
hpedockerplugin_driver Yes No default value ISCSI/FC driver (hpedockerplugin.hpe.hpe_3par_iscsi.HPE3PARISCSIDriver/hpedockerplugin.hpe.hpe_3par_fc.HPE3PARFCDriver)
hpe3par_ip Yes No default value IP address of 3PAR array
hpe3par_username Yes No default value 3PAR username
hpe3par_password Yes No default value 3PAR password
hpe3par_port Yes 8080 3PAR HTTP_PORT port
hpe3par_cpg Yes No default value Primary user CPG
volume_plugin Yes No default value Name of the docker volume image (only required with DEFAULT backend)
encryptor_key No No default value Encryption key string for 3PAR password
logging No INFO Log level
hpe3par_debug No No default value 3PAR log level
suppress_requests_ssl_warning No True Suppress request SSL warnings
hpe3par_snapcpg No hpe3par_cpg Snapshot CPG
hpe3par_iscsi_chap_enabled No False ISCSI chap toggle
hpe3par_iscsi_ips No No default value Comma separated iscsi port IPs (only required if driver is ISCSI based)
use_multipath No False Mutltipath toggle
enforce_multipath No False Forcefully enforce multipath
ssh_hosts_key_file No /root/.ssh/known_hosts Path to hosts key file
quorum_witness_ip No No default value Quorum witness IP
mount_prefix No No default value Alternate mount path prefix
hpe3par_iscsi_ips No No default value Comma separated iscsi IPs. If not provided, all iscsi IPs will be read from the array and populated in hpe.conf
vlan_tag No False Populates the iscsi_ips which are vlan tagged, only applicable if hpe3par_iscsi_ips is not specified
replication_device No No default value Replication backend properties
dory_installer_version No dory_installer_v32 Required for Openshift/Kubernetes setup. Dory installer version, supported versions are dory_installer_v31, dory_installer_v32
hpe3par_server_ip_pool Yes No default value This parameter is specific to fileshare. It can be specified as a mix of range of IPs and individual IPs delimited by comma. Each range or individual IP must be followed by the corresponding subnet mask delimited by semi-colon E.g.: IP-Range:Subnet-Mask,Individual-IP:SubnetMask
hpe3par_default_fpg_size No No default value This parameter is specific to fileshare. Default fpg size, It must be in the range 1TiB to 64TiB. If not specified here, it defaults to 16TiB


Refer to Replication Support for details on enabling Replication support.

File Persona Example Configuration

#Mandatory Parameters for Filepersona---------------------------------------------------------------
    # Specify the port to be used by HPE 3PAR plugin etcd cluster
    host_etcd_port_number: 23790
    # Plugin Driver - File driver
    hpedockerplugin_driver: hpedockerplugin.hpe.hpe_3par_file.HPE3PARFileDriver
    hpe3par_username: demo_user
    hpe3par_password: demo_pass
    hpe3par_cpg: demo_cpg
    hpe3par_port: 8080
#Optional Parameters for Filepersona----------------------------------------------------------------
    hpe3par_default_fpg_size: 16

Multiple Backend Example Configuration

#Mandatory Parameters-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # Specify the port to be used by HPE 3PAR plugin etcd cluster
    host_etcd_port_number: 23790
    # Plugin Driver - iSCSI
    hpedockerplugin_driver: hpedockerplugin.hpe.hpe_3par_iscsi.HPE3PARISCSIDriver
    hpe3par_username: 3paradm
    hpe3par_password: 3pardata
    hpe3par_port: 8080
    hpe3par_cpg: FC_r6

    # Plugin version - Required only in DEFAULT backend
    volume_plugin: hpestorage/legacyvolumeplugin:3.3.1
    # Dory installer version - Required for Openshift/Kubernetes setup
    # Supported versions are dory_installer_v31, dory_installer_v32
    dory_installer_version: dory_installer_v32

#Optional Parameters--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    #ssh_hosts_key_file: '/root/.ssh/known_hosts'
    logging: DEBUG
    #hpe3par_debug: True
    #suppress_requests_ssl_warning: True
    #hpe3par_snapcpg: FC_r6
    #hpe3par_iscsi_chap_enabled: True
    #use_multipath: False
    #enforce_multipath: False
    #vlan_tag: True

#Additional Backend (Optional)----------------------------------------------------------------------

#Mandatory Parameters-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # Specify the port to be used by HPE 3PAR plugin etcd cluster
    host_etcd_port_number: 23790
    # Plugin Driver - Fibre Channel
    hpedockerplugin_driver: hpedockerplugin.hpe.hpe_3par_fc.HPE3PARFCDriver
    hpe3par_username: 3paradm
    hpe3par_password: 3pardata
    hpe3par_port: 8080
    hpe3par_cpg: FC_r6

#Optional Parameters--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    #ssh_hosts_key_file: '/root/.ssh/known_hosts'
    logging: DEBUG
    #hpe3par_debug: True
    #suppress_requests_ssl_warning: True
    hpe3par_snapcpg: FC_r6
    #use_multipath: False
    #enforce_multipath: False

Step 5: Run the Ansible playbook

$ cd python-hpedockerplugin/ansible_3par_docker_plugin/
$ ansible-playbook -i hosts install_hpe_3par_volume_driver.yml

Step 6: Verify the installation

  • Once playbook has completed successfully, the PLAY RECAP should look like below

Installer should not show any failures and PLAY RECAP should look like below

PLAY RECAP ***********************************************************************
<Master1-IP>           : ok=85   changed=33   unreachable=0    failed=0
<Master2-IP>           : ok=76   changed=29   unreachable=0    failed=0
<Master3-IP>           : ok=76   changed=29   unreachable=0    failed=0
<Worker1-IP>           : ok=70   changed=27   unreachable=0    failed=0
<Worker2-IP>           : ok=70   changed=27   unreachable=0    failed=0
localhost              : ok=9    changed=3    unreachable=0    failed=0

  • Verify plugin installation on all nodes.

$ docker ps | grep plugin; ssh <Master2-IP> "docker ps | grep plugin";ssh <Master3-IP> "docker ps | grep plugin";ssh <Worker1-IP> "docker ps | grep plugin";ssh <Worker2-IP> "docker ps | grep plugin"
51b9d4b1d591        hpestorage/legacyvolumeplugin:3.3.1          "/bin/sh -c ./plugin…"   12 minutes ago      Up 12 minutes         plugin_container
a43f6d8f5080        hpestorage/legacyvolumeplugin:3.3.1          "/bin/sh -c ./plugin…"   12 minutes ago      Up 12 minutes         plugin_container
a88af9f46a0d        hpestorage/legacyvolumeplugin:3.3.1          "/bin/sh -c ./plugin…"   12 minutes ago      Up 12 minutes         plugin_container
5b20f16ab3af        hpestorage/legacyvolumeplugin:3.3.1          "/bin/sh -c ./plugin…"   12 minutes ago      Up 12 minutes         plugin_container
b0813a22cbd8        hpestorage/legacyvolumeplugin:3.3.1          "/bin/sh -c ./plugin…"   12 minutes ago      Up 12 minutes         plugin_container

  • Verify the HPE FlexVolume driver Pod is running.

kubectl get pods -n kube-system | grep doryd
NAME                                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
kube-storage-controller-doryd-7dd487b446-xr6q2  1/1     Running   0          45s


Get started using the FlexVolume driver by setting up StorageClass, PVC API objects. See Using for examples.

These instructions are provided as an example on how to use the HPE 3PAR/Primera Volume Plug-in with a HPE 3PAR/Primera Storage Array.

The below YAML declarations are meant to be created with kubectl create. Either copy the content to a file on the host where kubectl is being executed, or copy & paste into the terminal, like this:

kubectl create -f-
< paste the YAML >
^D (CTRL + D)


Some of the examples supported by the HPE 3PAR/Primera FlexVolume driver are available for HPE 3PAR/Primera Storage in the GitHub repo.

To get started, create a StorageClass API object referencing the hpe-secret and defining additional (optional) StorageClass parameters:

Sample StorageClass

Sample storage classes can be found for HPE 3PAR/Primera Storage.

Test and verify volume provisioning

Create a StorageClass with volume parameters as required. Change the CPG per your requirements.

kind: StorageClass
apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
  name: sc-gold
provisioner: hpe.com/hpe
  provisioning: 'full'
  cpg: 'SSD_r6'
  fsOwner: '1001:1001'

Create a PersistentVolumeClaim. This makes sure a volume is created and provisioned on your behalf:

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: sc-gold-pvc
    - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 25Gi
  storageClassName: sc-gold

Check that a new PersistentVolume is created based on your claim:

$ kubectl get pv
NAME                                              CAPACITY     ACCESS MODES   RECLAIM POLICY   STATUS   CLAIM               STORAGECLASS   REASON   AGE
sc-gold-pvc-13336da3-7ca3-11e9-826c-00505692581f  25Gi         RWO            Delete           Bound    default/pvc-gold    sc-gold                 3s

The above output means that the FlexVolume driver successfully provisioned a new volume and bound to the requesting PVC to a new PV. The volume is not attached to any node yet. It will only be attached to a node if a workload is scheduled to a specific node. Now let us create a Pod that refers to the above volume. When the Pod is created, the volume will be attached, formatted and mounted to the specified container:

kind: Pod
apiVersion: v1
  name: pod-nginx
  - name: nginx
    image: nginx
    - containerPort: 80
      name: "http-server"
    - name: export
      mountPath: "/usr/share/nginx/html"
    - name: export
        claimName: sc-gold-pvc

Check if the pod is running successfully:

$ kubectl get pod pod-nginx
pod-nginx     1/1     Running   0          2m29s

Use case specific examples

This StorageClass examples help guide combinations of options when provisioning volumes.

Snapshot a volume

This StorageClass will create a snapshot of a "production" volume.

kind: StorageClass
apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
  name: sc-gold-snap-mongo
provisioner: hpe.com/hpe
  virtualCopyOf: "sc-mongo-10dc1195-779b-11e9-b787-0050569bb07c"

Clone a volume

This StorageClass will create clones of a "production" volume.

kind: StorageClass
apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
  name: sc-gold-clone
provisioner: hpe.com/hpe
  cloneOf: "sc-gold-2a82c9e5-6213-11e9-8d53-0050569bb07c"

Replicate a containerized volume

This StorageClass will add a standard backend volume to a 3PAR Replication Group. If the replicationGroup specified does not exist, the plugin will create one. See Replication Support for more details on configuring replication.

kind: StorageClass
apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
  name: sc-mongodb-replicated
provisioner: hpe.com/hpe
  provisioning: 'full'
  replicationGroup: 'mongodb-app1'

Import (cutover) a volume

This StorageClass will import an existing 3PAR/Primera volume to Kubernetes. The source volume needs to be offline for the import to succeed.

kind: StorageClass
apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
  name: import-clone-legacy-prod
provisioner: hpe.com/hpe
  importVol: "production-db-vol"

Using overrides

The HPE Dynamic Provisioner for Kubernetes (doryd) understands a set of annotation keys a user can set on a PVC. If the corresponding keys exists in the list of the allowOverrides key in the StorageClass, the end-user can tweak certain aspects of the provisioning workflow. This opens up for very advanced data services.

StorageClass object:

kind: StorageClass
apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
  name: sc-gold
provisioner: hpe.com/hpe
  provisioning: 'full'
  cpg: 'SSD_r6'
  fsOwner: '1001:1001'
  allowOverrides: provisioning,compression,cpg,fsOwner

PersistentVolumeClaim object:

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
 name: my-pvc
    hpe.com/provisioning: "thin"
    hpe.com/cpg: "FC_r6"
    - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 25Gi
  storageClassName: sc-gold

This will create a PV thinly provisioned using the FC-r6 cpg.


In order to upgrade the driver, simply modify the ansible_3par_docker_plugin/properties/plugin_configuration_properties_sample.yml used for the initial deployment and modify hpestorage/legacyvolumeplugin to the latest image from docker hub.

For example:

    volume_plugin: hpestorage/legacyvolumeplugin:3.3

    Change to:
    volume_plugin: hpestorage/legacyvolumeplugin:3.3.1

Re-run the installer.

$ ansible-playbook -i hosts install_hpe_3par_volume_driver.yml


Run the following to uninstall the FlexVolume driver from the cluster.

$ cd ~
$ cd python-hpedockerplugin/ansible_3par_docker_plugin
$ ansible-playbook -i hosts uninstall/uninstall_hpe_3par_volume_driver.yml

StorageClass parameters

This section highlights all the available StorageClass parameters that are supported.

HPE 3PAR/Primera Storage StorageClass parameters

A StorageClass is used to provision or clone an HPE 3PAR\Primera Storage-backed persistent volume. It can also be used to import an existing HPE 3PAR/Primera Storage volume or clone of a snapshot into the Kubernetes cluster. The parameters are grouped below by those same workflows.

A sample StorageClass is provided.


These are optional parameters.

Common parameters for Provisioning and Cloning

These parameters are mutable betweeen a parent volume and creating a clone from a snapshot.

Parameter Type Options Example
size Integer - size: "10"
provisioning thin, full, dedupe provisioning: "thin"
flash-cache Text true, false flash-cache: "true"
compression boolean true, false compression: "true"
MountConflictDelay Integer - MountConflictDelay: "30"
qos-name Text vvset name qos-name: ""
replicationGroup Text 3PAR RCG name replicationGroup: "Test-RCG"
fsOwner userId:groupId The user id and group id that should own the root directory of the filesystem.
fsMode Octal digits 1 to 4 octal digits that represent the file mode to be applied to the root directory of the filesystem.

Cloning/Snapshot parameters

Either use cloneOf and reference a PVC in the current namespace or use virtualCopyOf and reference a 3PAR/Primera volume name to snapshot/clone and import into Kubernetes.

Parameter Type Options Example
cloneOf Text volume name cloneOf: "<volume_name>"
virtualCopyOf Text volume name virtualCopyOf: "<volume_name>"
expirationHours Integer option of virtualCopyOf expirationHours: "10"
retentionHours Integer option of virtualCopyOf retentionHours: "10"

Import parameters

Importing volumes to Kubernetes requires the source 3PAR/Primera volume to be offline.

Parameter Type Description Example
importVol Text volume name importVol: "<volume_name>"

Replication Support

The HPE 3PAR/Primer FlexVolume driver supports array based synchronous and asynchronous replication. In order to enable replication within the FlexVolume driver, the arrays need to be properly zoned, visible to the Kubernetes cluster, and replication configured. For Peer Persistence, a quorum witness will need to be configured.

Once the replication is enabled at the array level, the FlexVolume driver will need to be configured.


Replication support can be enabled during initial deployment through the plugin configuration file. In order to enable replication support post deployment, modify the plugin_configuration_properties.yml used for deployment, add the replication parameter section below, and re-run the Ansible installer.

Edit the plugin_configuration_properties.yml file and edit the Optional Replication Section.

#Mandatory Parameters-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # Specify the port to be used by HPE 3PAR plugin etcd cluster
    host_etcd_port_number: 23790
    # Plugin Driver - iSCSI
    hpedockerplugin_driver: hpedockerplugin.hpe.hpe_3par_iscsi.HPE3PARISCSIDriver
    hpe3par_ip: <local_3par_ip>
    hpe3par_username: <local_3par_user>
    hpe3par_password: <local_3par_password>
    hpe3par_port: 8080
    hpe3par_cpg: FC_r6

    # Plugin version - Required only in DEFAULT backend
    volume_plugin: hpestorage/legacyvolumeplugin:3.3.1
    # Dory installer version - Required for Openshift/Kubernetes setup
    dory_installer_version: dory_installer_v32

#Optional Parameters--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    logging: DEBUG
    hpe3par_snapcpg: FC_r6
    use_multipath: False
    enforce_multipath: False

#Optional Replication Parameters--------------------------------------------------------------------
      backend_id: remote_3PAR
      #Quorum Witness required for Peer Persistence only
      #quorum_witness_ip: <quorum_witness_ip>
      replication_mode: synchronous
      cpg_map: "local_CPG:remote_CPG"
      snap_cpg_map: "local_copy_CPG:remote_copy_CPG"
      hpe3par_ip: <remote_3par_ip>
      hpe3par_username: <remote_3par_user>
      hpe3par_password: <remote_3par_password>
      hpe3par_port: 8080
      #vlan_tag: False

Once the properties file is configured, you can proceed with the standard installation steps.


This section outlines a few troubleshooting steps for the HPE 3PAR/Primera FlexVolume driver. This product is supported by HPE, please consult with your support organization prior attempting any configuration changes.

Troubleshooting FlexVolume driver

The FlexVolume driver is a binary executed by the kubelet to perform mount/unmount/attach/detach operations as workloads request storage resources. The binary relies on communicating with a socket on the host where the volume plugin responsible for the MUAD operations perform control-plane or data-plane operations against the backend system hosting the actual volumes.


The driver has a configuration file where certain defaults can be tweaked to accommodate a certain behavior. Under normal circumstances, this file does not need any tweaking.

The name and the location of the binary varies based on Kubernetes distribution (the default 'exec' path) and what backend driver is being used. In a typical scenario, using 3PAR/Primera, this is expected:

  • Binary: /usr/libexec/kubernetes/kubelet-plugins/volume/exec/hpe.com~hpe/hpe
  • Config file: /etc/hpedockerplugin/hpe.conf


To verify the FlexVolume binary can actually communicate with the backend volume plugin, issue a faux mount request:

/usr/libexec/kubernetes/kubelet-plugins/volume/exec/hpe.com~hpe/hpe mount no/op '{"name":"myvol1"}'

If the FlexVolume driver can successfully communicate with the volume plugin socket:

{"status":"Failure","message":"configured to NOT create volumes"}

In the case of any other output, check if the backend volume plugin is alive:

$ docker volume create -d hpe -o help=backends

It should output:

NAME                     STATUS
DEFAULT                   OK


To verify the etcd members on nodes.

$ /usr/bin/etcdctl --endpoints http://<Master1-IP>:23790 member list 

It should output:

b70ca254f54dd23: name=<Worker2-IP> peerURLs=http://<Worker2-IP>:23800 clientURLs=http://<Worker2-IP>:23790 isLeader=true
236bf7d5cc7a32d4: name=<Worker1-IP> peerURLs=http://<Worker1-IP>:23800 clientURLs=http://<Worker1-IP>:23790 isLeader=false
445e80419ae8729b: name=<Master1-IP> peerURLs=http://<Master1-IP>:23800 clientURLs=http://<Master1-IP>:23790 isLeader=false
e340a5833e93861e: name=<Master3-IP> peerURLs=http://<Master3-IP>:23800 clientURLs=http://<Master3-IP>:23790 isLeader=false
f5b5599d719d376e: name=<Master2-IP> peerURLs=http://<Master2-IP>:23800 clientURLs=http://<Master2-IP>:23790 isLeader=false

HPE 3PAR/Primera FlexVolume and Dynamic Provisioner driver (doryd) logs

Log files associated with the HPE 3PAR/Primera FlexVolume driver logs data to the standard output stream. If the logs need to be retained for long term, use a standard logging solution. Some of the logs on the host are persisted which follow standard logrotate policies.

HPE 3PAR/Primera FlexVolume logs: (per node)

$ docker logs -f plugin_container

Dynamic Provisioner logs:

kubectl logs -f kube-storage-controller-doryd -n kube-system

The logs are persisted at /var/log/hpe-dynamic-provisioner.log