
The HPE Alletra Storage MP B10000, Alletra 9000 and Primera and 3PAR Storage Container Storage Provider (CSP) for Kubernetes is part of the HPE CSI Driver for Kubernetes. The CSP abstract the data management capabilities of the array for use by Kubernetes.


For help getting started with deploying the HPE CSI Driver using HPE Alletra Storage MP B10000, Alletra 9000, Primera or 3PAR storage, check out the tutorial over at HPE Developer.

Platform Requirements

Check the corresponding CSI driver version in the compatibility and support table for the latest updates on supported Kubernetes version, orchestrators and host OS.

Network Port Requirements

The HPE Alletra Storage MP B10000, Alletra 9000, Primera and 3PAR Container Storage Provider requires the following TCP ports to be open inbound to the array from the Kubernetes cluster worker nodes running the HPE CSI Driver for Kubernetes.

Port Protocol Description
443 HTTPS WSAPI (HPE Alletra Storage MP B10000, Alletra 9000 and Primera)
22 SSH Array communication (HPE 3PAR)


From HPE CSI Driver v2.5.2 onwards it's recommended to specify ":443" in the backend Secret to avoid using SSH for any HPE Alletra Storage MP B10000 derived platform except 3PAR. See Deployment for more information.

User Role Requirements

The CSP requires access to a user with either edit or the super role. It's recommended to use the edit role for security best practices.


LDAP accounts may be used from HPE CSI Driver v2.5.2 onwards.

Virtual Domains

Virtual Domains are not yet fully supported by the CSP. From HPE CSI Driver v2.5.0, it's possible to manually create the Kubernetes hosts connecting to storage within the Virtual Domain. Once the hosts have been created, deploy the CSI driver with the Helm chart using the "disableHostDeletion" parameter set to "true". The Virtual Domain user may create the hosts through the Virtual Domain if the "AllowDomainUsersAffectNoDomain" parameter is set to either "hostonly" or "yes" on the array.

Detailed steps to use Virtual Domains

These steps assumes access to the storage platform with privileges to create domains and change settings.

Login to the storage platform with SSH. Create an new domain:

cli% createdomain -comment "This is a test domain." my-kubernetes-domain-0

Then, create a new user and assign to the domain. These credentials will be used by the CSI driver.

cli% createuser -c my-password-0 domain-user-0 my-kubernetes-domain-0 edit

Next, make sure domain users are allowed to create hosts outside the domain.

cli% setsys AllowDomainUsersAffectNoDomain hostonly


Hosts can be created manually at any point. Make sure the name of the host matches the name of each of the compute (worker) nodes in the Kubernetes cluster.

The next steps involve installing the HPE CSI Driver for Kubernetes with disableHostDeletion set to true. The steps to supply the parameter depends on if the Helm chart or Operator is being used.

Once the CSI driver is installed and running, add an HPE storage backend with the credentials provided in the steps above.


Remote Copy Groups managed by the CSP have not been tested with Virtual Domains at this time.

VLUN Templates

A VLUN template enables the export of a virtual volume as a VLUN to hosts. For more information, see the HPE Primera OS Commmand Line Interface - Installation and Reference Guide.

The CSP supports the following types of VLUN templates:

Template Description
Matched set The default VLUN template. The VLUN is visible to initiators with the host's WWNs only on the specified port(s).
Host sees The VLUN is visible to the initiators with any of the host's WWNs.

The boolean string "hostSeesVLUN" StorageClass parameter controls which VLUN template to use.


In most scenarios, "hostSeesVLUN" should be set to "true".

Change VLUN Template for existing PVCs

To modify an existing PVC, "hostSeesVLUN" needs to be specified with the "allowMutations" parameter along with adding the PVC annotation "" with the string values of either "true" or "false". The HPE CSI Driver creates the VLUN template based upon the hostSeesVLUN parameter during the volume publish operation. For the change to take effect, the Pod will need to be scheduled on another node by either deleting the Pod or draining the node.

StorageClass Parameters

All parameters enumerated reflects the current version and may contain unannounced features and capabilities.

Common Provisioning Parameters

Parameter   Option   Description
accessProtocol (Required) fc or iscsi The access protocol to use when attaching the persistent volume.
cpg 1 Text The name of existing CPG to be used for volume provisioning. If the cpg parameter is not specified, the CSP will select a CPG available to the array.
snapCpg 1 Text The name of the snapshot CPG to be used for volume provisioning. Needs to be set if any kind of VolumeSnapshots or PVC cloning parameters are used.
compression 1 Boolean Indicates that the volume should be compressed. (3PAR only)
provisioningType 1 tpvv Default. Indicates Thin provisioned volume type.
full 3 Indicates Full provisioned volume type.
dedup 3 Indicates Thin Deduplication volume type.
reduce 4 Indicates Data Reduction volume type.
hostSeesVLUN Boolean Enable "host sees" VLUN template.
importVolumeName Text Name of the volume to import.
importVolAsClone Text Name of the volume to clone and import.
cloneOf 2 Text Name of the PersistentVolumeClaim to clone.
virtualCopyOf 2 Text Name of the PersistentVolumeClaim to snapshot.
qosName Text Name of the volume set which has QoS rules applied.
remoteCopyGroup 1 Text Name of a new or existing Remote Copy group on the array.
replicationDevices Text Indicates name of custom resource of type hpereplicationdeviceinfos.
allowBatchReplicatedVolumeCreation Boolean Enable the batch processing of persistent volumes in 10 second intervals and add them to a single Remote Copy group.
During this process, the Remote Copy group is stopped and started once.
oneRcgPerPvc Boolean Creates a dedicated Remote Copy group per persistent volume.
iscsiPortalIps Text Comma separated list of the array iSCSI port IPs.
fcPortsList Text Comma separated list of available FC ports. Example: "0:5:1,1:4:2,2:4:1,3:4:2" Default: Use all available ports.

Restrictions applicable when using the CSI volume mutator:
1 = Parameters that are editable after provisioning.
2 = Volumes with snapshots/clones can't be modified.
3 = HPE 3PAR only parameter
4 = HPE Primera/Alletra 9000 only parameter

Please see using the HPE CSI Driver for additional StorageClass examples like CSI snapshots and clones.


The HPE CSI Driver allows the PersistentVolumeClaim to override the StorageClass parameters by annotating the PersistentVolumeClaim. Please see Using PVC Overrides for more details.

Cloning Parameters

Cloning supports two modes of cloning. Either use cloneOf and reference a PersistentVolumeClaim in the current namespace to clone or use importVolAsClone and reference an array volume name to clone and import into the Kubernetes cluster. Volumes with clones are immutable once created.

Parameter Option Description
cloneOf Text The name of the PersistentVolumeClaim to be cloned. cloneOf and importVolAsClone are mutually exclusive.
importVolAsClone Text The name of the array volume to clone and import. importVolAsClone and cloneOf are mutually exclusive.
accessProtocol fc or iscsi The access protocol to use when attaching the cloned volume.


No other parameters are required in the StorageClass while cloning outside of those parameters listed in the table above.
• Cloning using above parameters is independent of snapshot CRD availability on Kubernetes and it can be performed on any supported Kubernetes version.
• Support for importVolAsClone and cloneOf is available from HPE CSI Driver 1.3.0+.

Array Snapshot Parameters

During the snapshotting process, any existing PersistentVolumeClaim defined in the virtualCopyOf parameter within a StorageClass, will be snapped as PersistentVolumeClaim and exposed through the HPE CSI Driver and made available to the Kubernetes cluster. Volumes with snapshots are immutable once created.

Parameter Option Description
accessProtocol fc or iscsi The access protocol to use when attaching the snapshot volume.
virtualCopyOf Text The name of existing PersistentVolumeClaim to be snapped


No other parameters are required in the StorageClass when snapshotting a volume outside of those parameters listed in the table above.
• Snapshotting using virtualCopyOf is independent of snapshot CRD availability on Kubernetes and it can be performed on any supported Kubernetes version.
• Support for virtualCopyOf is available from HPE CSI Driver 1.3.0+.

Import Parameters

During the import volume process, any legacy (non-container volumes) defined in the ImportVol parameter, within a StorageClass, will be renamed to match the PersistentVolumeClaim that leverages the StorageClass. The new volumes will be exposed through the HPE CSI Driver and made available to the Kubernetes cluster. Note: All previous Access Control Records and Initiator Groups will be removed from the volume when it is imported.

Parameter Option Description
accessProtocol fc or iscsi The access protocol to use when importing the volume.
importVolumeName Text The name of the array volume to import.


No other parameters are required in the StorageClass when importing a volume outside of those parameters listed in the table above.
• Support for importVolumeName is available from HPE CSI Driver 1.2.0+.

Remote Copy with Peer Persistence Synchronous Replication Parameters

To enable replication within the HPE CSI Driver, the following steps must be completed:

For a tutorial on how to enable replication, check out the blog Enabling Remote Copy using the HPE CSI Driver for Kubernetes on HPE Primera


Be understood with the limitations of the Remote Copy Peer Persistence integration with the HPE CSI Driver before proceeding.

A Custom Resource Definition (CRD) of type must be created to define the target array information. The CRD object name will be used to define the StorageClass parameter replicationDevices. CRD mandatory parameters: targetCpg, targetName, targetSecret and targetSecretNamespace.

kind: HPEReplicationDeviceInfo
  name: r1
  - targetCpg: <cpg_name>
    targetSnapCpg: <snapcpg_name> #optional.
    targetName: <target_array_name>
    targetSecret: <target_secret_name>
    targetSecretNamespace: hpe-storage
kind: HPEReplicationDeviceInfo
  name: r1
  - targetCpg: <cpg_name>
    targetSnapCpg: <snapcpg_name> #optional.
    targetName: <target_array_name>
    targetSecret: <target_secret_name>
    targetSecretNamespace: hpe-storage


The HPE CSI Driver only supports Remote Copy Peer Persistence mode.

These parameters are applicable only for replication. Both parameters are mandatory. If the Remote Copy volume group (RCG) name, as defined within the StorageClass, does not exist on the array, then a new RCG will be created.

Parameter Option Description
remoteCopyGroup Text Name of new or existing Remote Copy group 1 on the array.
replicationDevices Text Indicates name of hpereplicationdeviceinfos Custom Resource Definition (CRD).
allowBatchReplicatedVolumeCreation Boolean Enable the batch processing of persistent volumes in 10 second intervals and add them to a single Remote Copy group. (Optional)
During this process, the Remote Copy group is stopped and started once.
oneRcgPerPvc Boolean Creates a dedicated Remote Copy group per persistent volume. (Optional)

Remote Copy additional details:
1 = Existing RCG must have CPG and Copy CPG configured.
Link to HPE Primera OS: Configuring data replication using Remote Copy


Remote Copy groups (RCG) created by the HPE CSI driver 2.1 and later have the Auto synchronize and Auto recover policies applied.
To add or remove these policies from RCGs, modify the existing RCG using the SSMC or CLI with the following command:

setrcopygroup pol auto_recover,auto_synchronize <group_name>
setrcopygroup pol no_auto_recover,no_auto_synchronize <group_name>

Add Non-Replicated Volume to Remote Copy group

To add a non-replicated volume to an existing Remote Copy group, allowMutations: description at minimum must be defined within the StorageClass. Refer to Remote Copy with Peer Persistence Replication for more details.

Edit the non-replicated PVC and annotate the following parameters:

Parameter Option Description
remoteCopyGroup Text Name of existing Remote Copy group.
oneRcgPerPvc Boolean Creates a dedicated Remote Copy group per persistent volume. (Optional)
replicationDevices Text Indicates name of hpereplicationdeviceinfos Custom Resource Definition (CRD).


remoteCopyGroup and oneRcgPerPvc parameters are mutually exclusive and cannot be added together when editing a PVC.

VolumeSnapshotClass Parameters

These parameters are for VolumeSnapshotClass objects when using CSI snapshots. The external snapshotter needs to be deployed on the Kubernetes cluster and is usually performed by the Kubernetes vendor. Check enabling CSI snapshots for more information. Volumes with snapshots are immutable.

How to use VolumeSnapshotClass and VolumeSnapshot objects is elaborated on in using CSI snapshots.

Parameter String Description
read_only Boolean Indicates if the snapshot is writable on the array.

VolumeGroupClass Parameters

In the HPE CSI Driver version 1.4.0+, a volume set with QoS settings can be created dynamically using the QoS parameters for the VolumeGroupClass. The following parameters are available for a VolumeGroup on the array. Learn more about VolumeGroups in the provisioning concepts documentation.

Parameter String Description
description Text An identifier to describe the VolumeGroupClass. Example: "My VolumeGroupClass"
priority Text The priority level for the target volume set. Example: "low", "normal", "high"
ioMinGoal Text IOPS minimum goal for the target volume set. Example: "300"
ioMaxLimit Text IOPS maximum limit for the target volume set. Example: "10000"
bwMinGoalKb Text Bandwidth minimum goal in kilobytes per second for the target volume set. Example: "300"
bwMaxLimitKb Text Bandwidth maximum limit in kilobytes per second for the target volume set. Example: "30000"
latencyGoal Text Latency goal in milliseconds (ms) or microseconds(us) for the target volume set. Example: "300ms" or "500us"
domain Text The array Virtual Domain, with which the volume group and related objects are associated with. Example: "sample_domain"


All QoS parameters are mandatory when creating a VolumeGroupClass on the array.


kind: VolumeGroupClass
  name: my-volume-group-class
deletionPolicy: Delete
  description: "HPE CSI Driver for Kubernetes Volume Group" hpe-backend hpe-storage
  priority: normal
  ioMinGoal: "300"
  ioMaxLimit: "10000"
  bwMinGoalKb: "3000"
  bwMaxLimitKb: "30000"
  latencyGoal: "300ms"

SnapshotGroupClass Parameters

These parameters are for SnapshotGroupClass objects when using CSI snapshots. The external snapshotter needs to be deployed on the Kubernetes cluster and is usually performed by the Kubernetes vendor. Check enabling CSI snapshots for more information. Volumes with snapshots are immutable.

How to use VolumeSnapshotClass and VolumeSnapshot objects is elaborated on in using CSI snapshots.

Parameter String Description
read_only Boolean Indicates if the snapshot is writable on the array.

Static Provisioning

Static provisioning of PVs and PVCs may be used when absolute control over physical volumes are required by the storage administrator. This CSP also supports importing volumes and clones of volumes using the import parameters in a StorageClass.


The CSP expects a certain naming convention for PersistentVolumes and Virtual Volumes on the array.

  • Persistent Volume: pvc-00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
  • Virtual Volume: pvc-00000000-0000-0000-0000-000


The zeroes are used as examples. They can be replaced with any hexadecimal from 0 to f. Establishing a scheme may be important if static provisioning is going to be the main method of providing persistent storage to workloads.

The following example uses the above scheme as a naming convention. Have a storage administrator rename the existing Virtual Volume on the array:

setvv -name pvc-00000000-0000-0000-0000-000 my-existing-virtual-volume


Create a new HPEVolumeInfo resource.

kind: HPEVolumeInfo
  name: pvc-00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    Id: pvc-00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    Name: pvc-00000000-0000-0000-0000-000
  uuid: pvc-00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000

Persistent Volume

Create a PV referencing the HPEVolumeInfo resource.


If a filesystem can't be detected on the device a new filesystem will be created. If the volume contains data, make sure the data reside in a whole device filesystem.

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
  name: pvc-00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
  - ReadWriteOnce
    storage: 16Gi
    volumeHandle: pvc-00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
    fsType: xfs
      volumeAccessMode: mount
      fsType: xfs
      name: hpe-backend
      namespace: hpe-storage
      name: hpe-backend
      namespace: hpe-storage
      name: hpe-backend
      namespace: hpe-storage
  persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain
  volumeMode: Filesystem


Remove .spec.csi.controllerExpandSecretRef to disallow volume expansion.

Persistent Volume Claim

Now, a user may claim the static PV by creating a PVC referencing the PV name in .spec.volumeName.

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: my-pvc
  - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 16Gi
  volumeName: my-static-pv-1
  storageClassName: ""

Remote Copy Limitations

These are the current limitations of the Remote Copy Peer Persistence integration with the HPE CSI Driver.

  • Only what is considered Classic Peer Persistence is supported. Active/Active hostset proximity is not supported.
  • Peer Persistence does not provide disaster recovery for workloads running on Kubernetes. Peer Persistence provide disaster recovery for the storage system.
  • Peer Persistence only provide data path resilience. If the primary array is unreachable for the CSP or the role of the remote copy group has changed due to disaster recovery operations (manual or automatic switchover/failover), all CSI operations will cease to function until the primary array comes back up and the role of the remote copy groups returned to original state.
  • When the primary array is unavailable for the Kubernetes cluster and remote copy group has failed over to the secondary array successfully, running workloads will continue to run if the host the workload was running on has redundant data paths to the secondary array (current primary array).
  • It's possible to access volumes from the secondary array by statically provisioning PersistentVolumes without renaming the volume on the array. This is only safe if it has been determined that the primary array does not have active hosts accessing the volume against the primary array.


Please refer to the HPE Alletra Storage MP B10000, Alletra 9000 and Primera and 3PAR Storage CSP support statement.