
The documentation in this section illustrates officially HPE supported procedures to perform maintenance tasks on the CSI driver outside the scope of deploying and uninstalling the driver.

Migrate Encrypted Volumes

Persistent volumes created with v2.1.1 or below using volume encryption, the CSI driver use LUKS2 (WikiPedia: Linux Unified Key Setup) and can't expand the PersistentVolumeClaim. With v2.2.0 and above, LUKS1 is used and the CSI driver is capable of expanding the PVC.

This procedure migrate (copy) data from LUKS2 to LUKS1 PVCs to allow expansion of the volume.


It's not a limitation of LUKS2 to not allow expansion but rather how the CSI driver interact with the host.


These are the assumptions made throughout this procedure.

  • Data to be migrated has a good backup to restore to, not just a snapshot.
  • HPE CSI Driver for Kubernetes v2.3.0 or later installed.
  • Worker nodes with access to the Quay registry and SCOD.
  • Access to the commands kubectl, curl, jq and yq.
  • Cluster privileges to manipulate PersistentVolumes.
  • None of the commands executed should return errors or have non-zero exit codes.
  • Only ReadWriteOnce PVCs are covered.
  • No custom PVC annotations.


There are many different ways to copy PVCs. These steps outlines and uses one particular method developed and tested by HPE and similar workflows may be applied with other tools and procedures.

Prepare the Workload and Persistent Volume Claims

First, identify the PersistentVolume to migrate from and set shell variables.

export OLD_SRC_PVC=<insert your existing PVC name here>
export OLD_SRC_PV=$(kubectl get pvc -o json | \
       jq -r ".items[] | \
        select(.metadata.name | \


Ensure these shell variables are set at all times.

In order to copy data out of a PVC, the running workload needs to be disassociated with the PVC. It's not possible to scale the replicas to zero, the exception being ReadWriteMany PVCs which could lead to data inconsistency problems. These procedures assumes application consistency by having the workload shut down.

It's out of scope for this procedure to demonstrate how to shut down a particular workload. Ensure there are no volumeattachments associated with the PersistentVolume.

kubectl get volumeattachment -o json | \
 jq -r ".items[] | \
  select(.spec.source.persistentVolumeName | \


For large volumeMode: Filesystem PVCs where copying data may take days, it's recommended to use the Optional Workflow with Filesystem Persistent Volume Claims that utilizes the PVC dataSource capability.

Create a new Persistent Volume Claim and Update Retain Policies

Create a new PVC named "new-pvc" with enough space to host the data from the old source PVC.

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: new-pvc
  - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 32Gi
  volumeMode: Filesystem


If the source PVC is a raw block volume, ensure volumeMode: Block is set on the new PVC.

Edit and set the shell variables for the newly created PVC.

export NEW_DST_PVC_SIZE=32Gi
export NEW_DST_PVC_VOLMODE=Filesystem
export NEW_DST_PVC=new-pvc
export NEW_DST_PV=$(kubectl get pvc -o json | \
       jq -r ".items[] | \
       select(.metadata.name | \


The PVC name "new-pvc" is a placeholder name. When the procedure is done, the PVC will have its original name restored.

Important Validation Steps

At this point, there should be six shell variables declared. Example:

$ env | grep _PV
OLD_SRC_PVC=old-pvc <-- This should be the original name of the PVC

Regardless of the retainPolicy set in the StorageClass, ensure the persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy is set to "Retain" for both PVs.

kubectl patch pv/${OLD_SRC_PV} pv/${NEW_DST_PV} \
 -p '{"spec":{"persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy":"Retain"}}'

Data Loss Warning

It's EXTREMELY important no errors are returned from the above command. It WILL lead to data loss.

Validate the "persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy".

kubectl get pv/${OLD_SRC_PV} pv/${NEW_DST_PV} -o json | \
 jq -r ".items[] | \


The above command should output nothing but two lines with the word "Retain" on it.

Copy Persistent Volume Claim and Reset

In this phase, the data will be copied from the original PVC to the new PVC with a Job submitted to the cluster. Different tools are being used to perform the copy operation, ensure to pick the correct volumeMode.

PVCs with volumeMode: Filesystem

curl -s https://scod.hpedev.io/csi_driver/examples/operations/pvc-copy-file.yaml | \
  yq "( select(.spec.template.spec.volumes[] | \
    select(.name == \"src-pv\") | \
    .persistentVolumeClaim.claimName = \"${OLD_SRC_PVC}\")
    " | kubectl apply -f-

Wait for the Job to complete.

kubectl get job.batch/pvc-copy-file -w

Once the Job has completed, validate exit status and log files.

kubectl get job.batch/pvc-copy-file -o jsonpath='{.status.succeeded}'
kubectl logs job.batch/pvc-copy-file

Delete the Job from the cluster.

kubectl delete job.batch/pvc-copy-file

Proceed to restart the workload.

PVCs with volumeMode: Block

curl -s https://scod.hpedev.io/csi_driver/examples/operations/pvc-copy-block.yaml | \
  yq "( select(.spec.template.spec.volumes[] | \
    select(.name == \"src-pv\") | \
    .persistentVolumeClaim.claimName = \"${OLD_SRC_PVC}\")
    " | kubectl apply -f-

Wait for the Job to complete.

kubectl get job.batch/pvc-copy-block -w


Data is copied block for block, verbatim, regardless of how much application data is stored in the block devices.

Once the Job has completed, validate exit status and log files.

kubectl get job.batch/pvc-copy-block -o jsonpath='{.status.succeeded}'
kubectl logs job.batch/pvc-copy-block

Delete the Job from the cluster.

kubectl delete job.batch/pvc-copy-block

Proceed to restart the workload.

Restart the Workload

This step requires both the old source PVC and the new destination PVC to be deleted. Once again, ensure the correct persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy is set on the PVs.

kubectl get pv/${OLD_SRC_PV} pv/${NEW_DST_PV} -o json | \
 jq -r ".items[] | \


The above command should output nothing but two lines with the word "Retain" on it, if not revisit Important Validation Steps to apply the policy and ensure environment variables are set correctly.

Delete the PVCs.

kubectl delete pvc/${OLD_SRC_PVC} pvc/${NEW_DST_PVC}

Next, allow the new PV to be reclaimed.

kubectl patch pv ${NEW_DST_PV} -p '{"spec":{"claimRef": null }}'

Next, create a PVC with the old source name and ensure it matches the size of the new destination PVC.

curl -s https://scod.hpedev.io/csi_driver/examples/operations/pvc-copy.yaml | \
  yq ".spec.volumeName = \"${NEW_DST_PV}\" | \
    .metadata.name = \"${OLD_SRC_PVC}\" | \
    .spec.volumeMode = \"${NEW_DST_PVC_VOLMODE}\" | \
    .spec.resources.requests.storage = \"${NEW_DST_PVC_SIZE}\" \
    " | kubectl apply -f-

Verify the new PVC is "Bound" to the correct PV.

kubectl get pvc/${OLD_SRC_PVC} -o json | \
  jq -r ". | \
    select(.spec.volumeName == \"${NEW_DST_PV}\").metadata.name"

If the command is successful, it should output your original PVC name.

At this point the original workload should be deployed, verified and resumed.

Optionally, the old source PV may be removed.

kubectl delete pv/${OLD_SRC_PV}

Optional Workflow with Filesystem Persistent Volume Claims

If there's a lot of content (millions of files, terabytes of data) that needs to be transferred in a volumeMode: Filesystem PVC it's recommended to transfer content incrementally. This is achieved by substituting the "old-pvc" with a dataSource clone of the running workload and perform the copy from the clone onto the "new-pvc".

After the first transfer completes, the copy job may be recreated as many times as needed with a fresh clone of "old-pvc" until the downtime window has shrunk to an acceptable duration. For the final transfer, the actual source PVC will be used instead of the clone.

This is an example PVC.

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: clone-of-pvc
    name: this-is-the-current-prod-pvc
    kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
    - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 32Gi


The capacity of the dataSource clone must match the original PVC.

Enabling and setting up the CSI snapshotter and related CRDs is not necessary but it's recommended to be familiar with using CSI snapshots.

Upgrade NFS Servers

In the event the CSI driver contains updates to the NFS Server Provisioner, any running NFS server needs to be updated manually.

Upgrade to v2.5.0

Any prior deployed NFS servers may be upgraded to v2.5.0.

Upgrade to v2.4.2

No changes to NFS Server Provisioner image between v2.4.1 and v2.4.2.

Upgrade to v2.4.1

Any prior deployed NFS servers may be upgraded to v2.4.1.


With v2.4.0 and onwards the NFS servers are deployed with default resource limits and in v2.5.0 resource requests were added. Those won't be applied on running NFS servers, only new ones.


  • HPE CSI Driver or Operator v2.4.1 installed.
  • All running NFS servers are running in the "hpe-nfs" Namespace.
  • Worker nodes with access to the Quay registry and SCOD.
  • Access to the commands kubectl, yq and curl.
  • Cluster privileges to manipulate resources in the "hpe-nfs" Namespace.
  • None of the commands executed should return errors or have non-zero exit codes.


If NFS Deployments are scattered across Namespaces, use the Validation steps to find where they reside.

Patch Running NFS Servers

When patching the NFS Deployments, the Pods will restart and cause a pause in I/O for the NFS clients with active mounts. The clients will recover gracefully once the NFS Pod is running again.

Patch all NFS Deployments with the following.

curl -s https://scod.hpedev.io/csi_driver/examples/operations/patch-nfs-server-2.5.0.yaml | \
  kubectl patch -n hpe-nfs \
  $(kubectl get deploy -n hpe-nfs -o name) \


If it's desired to patch one NFS Deployment at a time, replace the shell substituion with a Deployment name.


This command will list all "hpe-nfs" Deployments across the entire cluster. Each Deployment should be using v3.0.5 of the "nfs-provisioner" image after the uprade is complete.

kubectl get deploy -A -o yaml | \
  yq -r '.items[] | [] + { "Namespace": select(.spec.template.spec.containers[].name == "hpe-nfs").metadata.namespace, "Deployment": select(.spec.template.spec.containers[].name == "hpe-nfs").metadata.name, "Image": select(.spec.template.spec.containers[].name == "hpe-nfs").spec.template.spec.containers[].image }'


The above line is very long.

Manual Node Configuration

With the release of HPE CSI Driver v2.4.0 it's possible to completely disable the node conformance and node configuration performed by the CSI node driver at startup. This transfers the responsibilty from the HPE CSI Driver to the Kubernetes cluster administrator to ensure worker nodes boot with a supported configuration.


This feature is mainly for users who require 100% control of the worker nodes.

Stages of Initialization

There are two stages of initialization the administrator can control through parameters in the Helm chart.


The node conformance runs with the entrypoint of the node driver container. The conformance inserts and runs a systemd service on the node that installs all required packages on the node to allow nodes to attach block storage devices and mount NFS exports. It starts all the required services and configure an important udev rule on the worker node.

This flag was intended to allow administrators to run the CSI driver on nodes with an unsupported or unconfigured package manager.

If node conformance needs to be disabled for any reason, these packages and services needs to be installed and running prior to installing the HPE CSI Driver:

  • iSCSI (not necessary when using FC)
  • Multipath
  • XFS programs/utilities
  • NFSv4 client

Package names and services vary greatly between different Linux distributions and it's the system administrator's duty to ensure these are available to the HPE CSI Driver.


When disabling node configuration the CSI node driver will not touch the node at all. Besides indirectly disabling node conformance, all attempts to write configuration files or manipulate services during runtime are disabled.

Mandatory Configuration

These steps are REQUIRED for disabling either node configuration or conformance.

On each current and future worker node in the cluster:

# Don't let udev automatically scan targets(all luns) on Unit Attention.
# This will prevent udev scanning devices which we are attempting to remove.

if [ -f /lib/udev/rules.d/90-scsi-ua.rules ]; then
    sed -i 's/^[^#]*scan-scsi-target/#&/' /lib/udev/rules.d/90-scsi-ua.rules
    udevadm control --reload-rules

iSCSI Configuration

Skip this step if only Fibre Channel is being used. This step is only required when node configuration is disabled.


This example is taken from a Rocky Linux 9.2 node with the HPE parameters applied. Certain parameters may differ for other distributions of either iSCSI or the host OS.


The location of this file varies between Linux and iSCSI distributions.

Ensure iscsid is stopped.

systemctl stop iscsid

Download: /etc/iscsi/iscsid.conf

iscsid.startup = /bin/systemctl start iscsid.socket iscsiuio.socket
node.startup = manual
node.leading_login = No
node.session.timeo.replacement_timeout = 10
node.conn[0].timeo.login_timeout = 15
node.conn[0].timeo.logout_timeout = 15
node.conn[0].timeo.noop_out_interval = 5
node.conn[0].timeo.noop_out_timeout = 10
node.session.err_timeo.abort_timeout = 15
node.session.err_timeo.lu_reset_timeout = 30
node.session.err_timeo.tgt_reset_timeout = 30
node.session.initial_login_retry_max = 8
node.session.cmds_max = 512
node.session.queue_depth = 256
node.session.xmit_thread_priority = -20
node.session.iscsi.InitialR2T = No
node.session.iscsi.ImmediateData = Yes
node.session.iscsi.FirstBurstLength = 262144
node.session.iscsi.MaxBurstLength = 16776192
node.conn[0].iscsi.MaxRecvDataSegmentLength = 262144
node.conn[0].iscsi.MaxXmitDataSegmentLength = 0
discovery.sendtargets.iscsi.MaxRecvDataSegmentLength = 32768
node.conn[0].iscsi.HeaderDigest = None
node.session.nr_sessions = 1
node.session.reopen_max = 0
node.session.iscsi.FastAbort = Yes
node.session.scan = auto

Pro tip!

When nodes are provisioned from some sort of templating system with iSCSI pre-installed, it's notoriously common that nodes are provisioned with identical IQNs. This will lead to device attachment problems that aren't obvious to the user. Make sure each node has a unique IQN.

Ensure iscsid is running and enabled:

systemctl enable --now iscsid


Some Linux distributions requires the iscsi_tcp kernel module to be loaded. Where kernel modules are loaded varies between Linux distributions.

Multipath Configuration

This step is only required when node configuration is disabled.


The defaults section of the configuration file is merely a preference, make sure to leave the device and blacklist stanzas intact when potentially adding more entries from foreign devices.


The location of this file varies between Linux and iSCSI distributions.

Ensure multipathd is stopped.

systemctl stop multipathd

Download: /etc/multipath.conf

defaults {
    user_friendly_names yes
    find_multipaths     no
    uxsock_timeout      10000
blacklist {
    devnode "^(ram|raw|loop|fd|md|dm-|sr|scd|st)[0-9]*"
    devnode "^hd[a-z]"
    device {
        product ".*"
        vendor  ".*"
blacklist_exceptions {
    property "(ID_WWN|SCSI_IDENT_.*|ID_SERIAL)"
    device {
        vendor  "Nimble"
        product "Server"
    device {
        product "VV"
        vendor  "3PARdata"
    device {
        vendor  "TrueNAS"
        product "iSCSI Disk"
    device {
        vendor  "FreeNAS"
        product "iSCSI Disk"
devices {
    device {
        product              "Server"
        rr_min_io_rq         1
        dev_loss_tmo         infinity
        path_checker         tur
        rr_weight            uniform
        no_path_retry        30
        path_selector        "service-time 0"
        failback             immediate
        fast_io_fail_tmo     5
        vendor               "Nimble"
        hardware_handler     "1 alua"
        path_grouping_policy group_by_prio
        prio                 alua
    device {
        path_grouping_policy group_by_prio
        path_checker         tur
        rr_weight            "uniform"
        prio                 alua
        failback             immediate
        hardware_handler     "1 alua"
        no_path_retry        18
        fast_io_fail_tmo     10
        path_selector        "round-robin 0"
        vendor               "3PARdata"
        dev_loss_tmo         infinity
        detect_prio          yes
        features             "0"
        rr_min_io_rq         1
        product              "VV"
    device {
        path_selector        "queue-length 0"
        rr_weight            priorities
        uid_attribute        ID_SERIAL
        vendor               "TrueNAS"
        product              "iSCSI Disk"
        path_grouping_policy group_by_prio
    device {
        path_selector        "queue-length 0"
        hardware_handler     "1 alua"
        rr_weight            priorities
        uid_attribute        ID_SERIAL
        vendor               "FreeNAS"
        product              "iSCSI Disk"
        path_grouping_policy group_by_prio

Ensure multipathd is running and enabled:

systemctl enable --now multipathd

Important Considerations

While both disabling conformance and configuration parameters lends itself to a more predictable behaviour when deploying nodes from templates with less runtime configuration, it's still not a complete solution for having immutable nodes. The CSI node driver creates a unique identity for the node and stores it in /etc/hpe-storage/node.gob. This file must persist across reboots and redeployments of the node OS image. Immutable Linux distributions such as CoreOS persist the /etc directory, some don't.

Expose NFS Services Outside of the Kubernetes Cluster

In certain situations it's practical to expose the NFS exports outside the Kubernetes cluster to allow external applications to access data as part of an ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) pipeline or similar.

Since this is an untested feature with questionable security standards, HPE does not recommend using this facility in production at this time. Reach out to your HPE account representative if this is a critical feature for your workloads.


The exports on the NFS servers does not have any network Access Control Lists (ACL) without root squash. Anyone with an NFS client that can reach the load balancer IP address have full access to the filesystem.

From ClusterIP to LoadBalancer

The NFS server Service must be transformed into a "LoadBalancer".

In this example we'll assume a "RWX" PersistentVolumeClaim named "my-pvc-1" and NFS resources deployed in the default Namespace, "hpe-nfs".

Retrieve NFS UUID

export UUID=$(kubectl get pvc my-pvc-1 -o jsonpath='{.spec.volumeName}{"\n"}' | awk -Fpvc- '{print $2}')

Patch the NFS Service:

kubectl patch -n hpe-nfs svc/hpe-nfs-${UUID} -p '{"spec":{"type": "LoadBalancer"}}'

The Service will be assigned an external IP address by the load balancer deployed in the cluster. If there is no load balancer deployed, a MetalLB example is provided below.

MetalLB Example

Deploying MetalLB is outside the scope of this document. In this example, MetalLB was deployed on OpenShift 4.16 (Kubernetes v1.29) using the Operator provided by Red Hat in the "metallb-system" Namespace.

Determine the IP address range that will be assigned to the load balancers. In this example, to is being used. Note that the worker nodes in this cluster already have reachable IP addresses in the network, which is a requirement.

Create the MetalLB instances, IP address pool and Layer 2 advertisement.

apiVersion: metallb.io/v1beta1
kind: MetalLB
  name: metallb
  namespace: metallb-system

apiVersion: metallb.io/v1beta1
kind: IPAddressPool
  namespace: metallb-system
  name: hpe-nfs-servers
  protocol: layer2

apiVersion: metallb.io/v1beta1
kind: L2Advertisement
  name: l2advertisement
  namespace: metallb-system
   - hpe-nfs-servers

Shortly, the external IP address of the NFS Service patched in the previous steps should have an IP address assigned.

NAME           TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S) 
hpe-nfs-UUID   LoadBalancer    <long list of ports>

Mount the NFS Server from an NFS Client

Mounting the NFS export externally is now possible.

As root:

mount -t nfs4 /mnt


If the NFS server is rescheduled in the Kubernetes cluster, the load balancer IP address follows, and the client will recover and resume IO after a few minutes.