Standalone NFS Server

In certain situations is desirable to run the NFS Server Provisioner image without the dual PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC) semantic in a more static fashion on top of a PVC provisioned by a non-HPE CSI Driver StorageClass.


Since HPE CSI Driver for Kubernetes v2.4.1, this functionality is built into the CSI driver. See Using a Foreign StorageClass how to use it.


  • The standalone NFS server is not part of the HPE CSI Driver and should be considered a standalone Kubernetes application altogether. The HPE CSI Driver NFS Server Provisioner NFS servers may co-exist on the same cluster and Namespace without risk of conflict but not recommended.
  • The Pod Monitor which normally monitors Pods status for the "NodeLost" condition is not included with the standalone NFS server and recovery is at the mercy of the underlying storage platform and driver.
  • Support is limited on the standalone NFS server and only available to select users.


It's assumed during the creation steps that a Kubernetes cluster is available with enough permissions to deploy privileged Pods with SYS_ADMIN and DAC_READ_SEARCH capabilities. All steps are run in a terminal with kubectl and git in in the path.

  • A default StorageClass declared on the cluster
  • Worker nodes that will serve the NFS exports must be labeled with "true"
  • kubectl and Kubernetes v1.21 or newer

Create a Workspace

NFS server configurations are managed with the kustomize templating system. Clone this repository to get started and change working directory.

git clone
cd scod/docs/csi_driver/examples/standalone_nfs

In the current directory, various manifests and configuration directives exist to deploy and manage NFS servers.

Run tree . in the current directory:

├── base
│   ├── configmap.yaml
│   ├── deployment.yaml
│   ├──
│   ├── kustomization.yaml
│   ├── pvc.yaml
│   ├── service.yaml
│   └── values.yaml
└── overlays
    └── example
        ├── deployment.yaml
        └── kustomization.yaml

4 directories, 10 files


The current directory is now the "home" for the remainder of this guide.

Create an NFS Server

Copy the "example" overlay into a new directory. In the examples "my-server" is used.

cp -a overlays/example overlays/my-server

Edit both "" and "kustomization.yaml" in the newly created overlay. Also pay attention to if the remote Pods mounting the NFS export are running as a non-root user, if that's the case, the group ID is needed of those Pods (customizable per NFS server).

# This is the domain associated with worker node (not inter-cluster DNS)

# The size of the backend RWO claim

# Default resource limits for the NFS server

The "CLUSTER_NODE_DOMAIN_NAME" variable refers to the DNS domain name that the worker node is resolvable in, not the Kubernetes cluster DNS.

The "PERSISTENCE_SIZE" is the backend PVC size expressed in the same format accepted by a PVC.

Configuring resource limits are optional but recommended for high performance workloads.


Change the resource prefix in "kustomization.yaml" either with an editor or sed:

sed -i"" 's/example-/my-server-/g' overlays/my-server/kustomization.yaml


If the NFS server needs to be deployed in a different Namespace than the current, edit and uncomment the "namespace" parameter in overlays/my-server/kustomization.yaml.

Change the default fsGroup

The default "fsGroup" is mapped to "nobody" (gid=65534) which allows remote Pods run as the root user to write in the NFS export. This may not be desirable as best practices dictate that Pods should run with a user id larger than 99.

To allow user Pods to write in the export, edit overlays/my-server/deployment.yaml and change the "fsGroup" to the corresponding gid running in the remote Pod.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: hpe-nfs
        fsGroup: 65534
        fsGroupChangePolicy: OnRootMismatch

Deploy the NFS server by issuing kubectl apply -k overlays/my-server:

configmap/my-server-hpe-nfs-conf created
configmap/my-server-local-conf-97898bftbh created
service/my-server-hpe-nfs created
persistentvolumeclaim/my-server-hpe-nfs created
deployment.apps/my-server-hpe-nfs created

Inspect the resources with kubectl get -k overlays/my-server:

NAME                                        DATA   AGE
configmap/my-server-hpe-nfs-conf            1      59s
configmap/my-server-local-conf-97898bftbh   2      59s

NAME                        TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                                                                                                               AGE
service/my-server-hpe-nfs   ClusterIP   <none>        49000/TCP,2049/TCP,2049/UDP,32803/TCP,32803/UDP,20048/TCP,20048/UDP,111/TCP,111/UDP,662/TCP,662/UDP,875/TCP,875/UDP   59s

NAME                                      STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS   AGE
persistentvolumeclaim/my-server-hpe-nfs   Bound    pvc-ae943116-d0af-4696-8b1b-1dcf4316bdc2   18Gi       RWO            vsphere-sc     58s

NAME                                READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/my-server-hpe-nfs   1/1     1            1           59s

Make a note of the IP address assigned to "service/my-server-hpe-nfs", that is the IP address needed to mount the NFS export.


If the Kubernetes cluster DNS service is resolvable from the worker node host OS, it possible to use the cluster DNS address to mount the Service, in this example that would be "my-server-hpe-nfs.default.svc.cluster.local".

Mounting the NFS Server

There are two ways to mount the NFS server.

  1. Inline declaration of where to find the NFS server and NFS Export
  2. Statically creating a PersistentVolume with the NFS server details and mount options and manually claiming the PV with a PVC using the .spec.volumeName parameter

Inline Declaration

This is the most elegant solution as it does not require any intermediary PVC or PV and directly refers to the NFS server within a workload stanza.

This is an example from a StatefulSet workload controller having multiple replicas.

  replicas: 3
        - name: vol
          mountPath: /vol
      - name: vol
          path: /export


Replace .spec.template.spec.volumes[].nfs.server with IP address from the actual Service IP address and not the examples.

Static Provisioning

Refer to the official Kubernetes documentation for the built-in NFS client on how to perform static provisioning of NFS PVs and PVCs.

Expand PVC

If the StorageClass and underlying CSI driver supports volume expansion, simply edit overlays/my-server/ with the new (larger) size and issue kubectl apply -k overlays/my-server to expand the volume.

Deleting the NFS Server

Ensure no workloads have active mounts against the NFS server Service. If there are, those Pods will be stuck indefinitely.

Run kubectl delete -k overlays/my-server:

configmap "my-server-hpe-nfs-conf" deleted
configmap "my-server-local-conf-97898bftbh" deleted
service "my-server-hpe-nfs" deleted
persistentvolumeclaim "my-server-hpe-nfs" deleted
deployment.apps "my-server-hpe-nfs" deleted


Unless the StorageClass "reclaimPolicy" is set to "Retain". The underlying PV will be deleted from the cluster and data needs to be restored from backups if needed.